Artist's Statement
Artist’s Statement
I have two subjects that I utilize to project my love of paint and painting.
My figurative “SuperMonks and More” artwork
In these figures I portray ancient wisdoms fused with pop culture icons.
My childhood was rife with fantasies of Superheroes and other warrior types who were usually portrayed in fighting mode.
I have re-created these warriors into new peaceful heroes. I find those who can be at peace in this world to be my new heroes. These “SuperMonks” have a sense of humor and yet engage a peaceful energy as they turn their backs on the craziness of the world to take a breath and have a moment’s peace.
Mythologies from around the world have captivated me since childhood. Superheroes in comics were there for me to engage my mind with some of the classic personal struggles that I later found present in many classic myths. The experience of losing the Ego into something larger is the main theme in many hero myths.
The sitting figure symbolizes this letting go for me, I would like to have the viewers of my art go there with them. I hope these figures can inspire, heal, and maybe turn up a smile.
My “Flowing World” landscape paintings
I find the experience of unity or oneness when I am in the natural world. I find the most joy in being outdoors. I notice the sunlit scenes of the landscape as it cascade around me and I feel the flowing quality of life. I paint what I see through the tinted glasses of what I feel. I love to give viewers of my paintings the feeling of being there feeling the breeze, or smelling the earth and water, and finding a bit of sanctuary in them.
These works also address my apprehension of the condition of our world under the global warming crisis and other environmental issues. Rising sea levels, pollution, vanishing wild lands and wildlife are very concerning to me. I feel I am directed to painting these landscapes as visual “sanctuaries’ for protecting these areas from human onslaught. I believe in the power of images to invoke change and perhaps viewing these "great pieces of turf" can help remind us of the preciousness of our planet.
Joyful awareness of life’s flowing energies are reflected in my love of painting and these places of peace.
Clay Vajgrt (Pronounced Vay -Gert)